Näe ja koe Kulttuurikohteet Röytty, Local history museum


Röytty house is known to have been built in the late 1600s by men from Taipalsaari, Savitaipale and Joutseno. The first mention of Röytty House as a military house dates back to 1680. Röytty served for a short time as the official house of the Swedish army lieutenants, until the whole Taipalsaari area was transferred to Russia in the Peace of Turku in 1743. After that the house was turned into a tavern. 

Today, during the summer and Christmas months, Röytty hosts a café run by Taipalsaari associations and an exhibition of Taipalsaari craftsmen.

Source: Taipalsaari.fi 

Image: Municipality of Taipalsaari


Leikonrannantie 1,
54920 Taipalsaari