Promoting sustainable tourism is one of the Saimaa Geopark's most important tasks, and we have joined the free Sustainable Travel Finland (STF) program. Companies and destinations that have gone through the program and meet the criteria are awarded the STF label, which aims to show international tourists about sustainable operations. During the 7-step sustainable tourism development path, we commit to follow the national principles of sustainable tourism, and above all, we get to learn more and develop our operations to be even more sustainable.
How to join the Sustainable Travel Finland program?
A responsible tourism company proves its responsibility by joining Visit Finland's Sustainable Travel Finland (STF) responsibility path and obtaining a responsibility certificate. You can join the STF program again in October 2023, when the renewed STF Hub opens. After logging in, the company gets an e-guide that presents the responsibility certificates. The company selects the appropriate certificate and completes the STF path and the certificate at the same time. The processes support each other.
GoSaimaa, which is the regional organization for tourism marketing in the Lappeenranta and Imatra region, has joined the Visit Finland Sustainable Travel Finland (STF) program in autumn 2020. In order to receive the STF regional mark, goSaimaa must have the majority of the entire South Karelia tourism industry, 51% of the companies engaged in international tourism in the STF program. and certified.
Get started by checking out the responsible travel company's guide. For all questions related to the STF path, you can contact goSaimaa. ( or Mikkeli region tourism (