Viihdy Saimaalla Aktiviteetit Elämykset Spirit Guide Saimaa

Guided excursions to Saimaa

The Taiga excursion centre is located in an ancient settlement, known for its natural canoeing waters on Lake Saimaa and the island route popular with cyclists from Puumala. The area is also home to the Haukkovuorie rocky mountain range, which offers stunning scenery and a variety of outdoor activities.

The Spirit Guide Saimaa will guide visitors to the beautiful archipelago waters of the Saimaa ringed seal. The guided tour also gives you the chance to get a feel for the spirit and history of Saimaa's lakes, forests and rocky mountains. The tours are organised with respect for nature and offer the opportunity to learn more about the rich history and ecosystem of the region.


Rakokiventie 270,