Näe ja koe Kulttuurikohteet Ruokolahti local history museum


The Ruokolahti parish museum was founded in 1955 as a public granary. The three-story museum displays about 3,000 objects. The building dates from 1861 and what makes it interesting is its wooden decorations.

The two-kilometer-long History path starts at the museum, QR codes take you to historical sites where you can get a real dose of more information. Along the route, among other things, the grave of Simo Häyhä, the monument to the greatest air battle of the Winter War, and the belfry from 1752. You can go on the route at any time, and it costs nothing. All you need is a device to read QR codes. 

Eukkojen polku, “the Eukko Trail” also wanders the terrain of the Ruokolahti church hill, presenting the history of the Ruokolahti church area and its special and interesting geological formations. The length of the trail is about 3 km and it starts and ends at the parish museum. There are 18 signposts along the trail. More information about the Eukko trail and the map of the trail (Ruokolahti Society)

Image: Municipality of Ruokolahti