GEOfood -Saimaa Geopark gastronomic tourism development
The GEOfood -Saimaa Geopark gastronomic tourism development project will build a regional local food brand, increase the capacity of businesses to serve international and domestic tourists and make the sustainability aspect of food tourism visible. The project will result in a GEOfood brand for the Saimaa Geopark area. The geological heritage of the area will be linked to the story of local food and this will be commercialised. The visibility of the area's food tourism services will be increased and businesses will be given new models and tools to develop their activities. Cooperation between operators in the different parts of the food chain and tourism businesses will be developed.
Saimaa Geopark destinations and food tourism content will be highlighted as part of the Saimaa European Region of Gastronomy anniversary year and the region will raise its profile as a food tourism area where food is produced in a clean and responsible way, from local ingredients. The project's target area is the Saimaa Geopark area in South Karelia and South Savo with its neighbouring municipalities. The target group includes businesses in the rural area. The project will promote both domestic and international tourism. The project is implemented in cooperation between LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu and Saimaa Geopark.
The project is funded by the Rural Development Fund. EU contribution 218 967 EUR.
The project period is 1.01.2024 - 31.07.2025.
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