natural well-being
Metsäsydän is an old family farm that still in the 90’s was a home also for cows, chickens and pigs. Maria and Olli moved here in summer of 2018 and started to renovate the place towards the dream they have. Olli’s family have lived here from the beginning of 1900 and the place has changed together with time and nature. Now it is the time for Forest heart, time for healing and strengthening from within.
Karhusali, Bear hall, is the central place of Forest heart. It is a 100 m2 Yoga shala that has been renovated in 2020 to an old cow barn. The barn has been made of huge stones carried from near by areas and built by hand in 1937. The name Bear hall comes from a meeting of Mother bear with her two cubs and Maria with her two dogs in 2019 on the field next to the barn. The meeting was full of magic, like a welcoming moment with nature and the new era of the place. Other rooms and halls have also been named after wild animals Maria and Olli have seen in the area, like the barn used in summertime for weddings and bigger happenings is called Maraalisali, Casbian red deer hall.
The bedrooms, of course named after common birds, are located in the upstairs of Maria’s and Olli’s home, the main house. The five bedrooms are about 30m2 each for two persons. The kitchen is located upstairs and also a shared toilet and a shower. These five bedrooms are in use all year around. In an old barn building, Aitta, there are 2-4 more bedrooms that can be used only during warm summer nights. Aitta-rooms are named simpy with numbers and are also rather simply decorated with no modern luxury, just electricity. If you are staying in Aitta, you can use the toilets of Karhusali.